Using performing arts to help your company and your employees

Steven Morgan is an Utrecht-based British improviser and trainer with many years of experience, having performed and taught at multiple organisations in many different countries. Having previously been the Chief of Learning at the prestigious school of improv easylaughs, he was pivotal in setting teaching standards, goals and syllabuses, and has a proven track record in knowing how to communicate ideas effectively.

He has taught for a wide array of organisations such as Zoom, General Mills and Cargill with a range of targets and goals for each client. Whether it’s a specific skill development or an icebreaker to help improve company culture, he tailors each session to the client’s needs.

It’s always more difficult to improve culture and soft skills (or human skills) in a company than more tangible issues, which is why improv is becoming more and more common as a means of aiding this in organisations across the world.

Our time was amazing. I didn’t expect too much but I received a looooot!“.

– Rabobank Corporate Workshop attendee

Workshops and Courses

These are some of the courses and workshops available, each customised to the needs of the client.

Improv for Team Building: Enhancing Collaboration and Creativity

An engaging and interactive corporate training workshop designed to foster a collaborative spirit and unleash creative potential within teams. Through the dynamic and spontaneous art of improvisational theatre, participants will engage in a series of fun and challenging activities that emphasize active listening, quick thinking, and mutual support. By navigating unpredictable scenarios together, team members will learn to trust one another, communicate more effectively, and embrace innovative thinking. This workshop not only strengthens interpersonal relationships but also equips teams with practical skills to enhance their collective problem-solving abilities, ultimately driving greater synergy and success in the workplace.

Team Icebreaker: Getting To Know Each Other

An energizing corporate training workshop designed to break down barriers and foster a sense of camaraderie among team members. Through a series of fun, interactive activities and games, participants will have the opportunity to get to know one another in a relaxed and engaging environment. This workshop encourages open communication, builds trust, and sets a positive tone for future collaboration. Ideal for new teams or as a refreshing start to a company event, “Company Icebreaker” helps create a more cohesive and connected workplace, enhancing overall team dynamics and paving the way for stronger, more effective working relationships.

Acting Techniques for Effective Communication: Boost Your Presentation Skills

A transformative corporate training workshop tailored to elevate your presentation prowess by incorporating proven acting methodologies. Participants will explore fundamental acting techniques such as voice modulation, body language, and emotional expression to enhance their communication effectiveness. Through practical exercises and personalized feedback, attendees will learn how to captivate an audience, convey messages with clarity and confidence, and create a lasting impact. This workshop empowers professionals to overcome public speaking anxiety, deliver compelling presentations, and engage listeners more dynamically, ultimately leading to more successful and persuasive business interactions.

Stand-Up Comedy for Public Speaking: Finding Humor in Business Communication

An innovative corporate training workshop designed to infuse humour into your professional presentations and enhance your public speaking skills. Leveraging the techniques and insights from stand-up comedy, participants will learn how to craft engaging narratives, deliver punchlines effectively, and use humour to connect with their audience. This workshop offers a supportive environment for attendees to experiment with comedic timing, overcome stage fright, and transform nervous energy into captivating performances. By incorporating humour into business communication, professionals can make their messages more memorable, foster a positive rapport with colleagues and clients, and create a more dynamic and enjoyable workplace atmosphere.

Improvisational Leadership: Thinking on Your Feet in the Corporate World

A dynamic corporate training workshop designed to equip leaders with the agility and creativity needed to navigate the fast-paced and ever-changing business landscape. Drawing on the principles of improvisational theatre, this workshop teaches participants how to respond swiftly and effectively to unexpected challenges, make quick yet informed decisions, and foster a culture of innovation and adaptability within their teams. Through interactive exercises and real-world scenarios, leaders will develop skills in active listening, collaborative problem-solving, and confident communication. This empowering workshop enhances a leader’s ability to remain composed under pressure, inspire their team, and drive organizational success by thinking on their feet and embracing uncertainty with confidence.

The Art of Storytelling: Crafting Compelling Business Narratives

A captivating corporate training workshop aimed at enhancing your ability to convey messages powerfully and persuasively through the timeless art of storytelling. Participants will explore the essential elements of a compelling narrative, including structure, character development, and emotional resonance, and learn how to apply these techniques to business contexts. This workshop provides practical exercises and expert guidance to help attendees craft stories that engage stakeholders, simplify complex information, and drive action. By mastering the art of storytelling, professionals can strengthen their communication skills, foster deeper connections with their audience, and effectively articulate their vision and values, leading to more impactful and memorable business interactions.

In the dynamic and ever-evolving corporate landscape, success hinges on the ability to adapt, collaborate, and think creatively. While traditional business acumen remains essential, there’s a growing recognition of the power of improvisation as a catalyst for personal and professional growth.

Particularly in the scientific industries, it’s common to find that those with the deepest knowledge are those who struggle most with communicating their thoughts. As a person who deals with social anxiety, Steven has a deep knowledge on how to address these concerns in a way that’s relatable to those who need the most help.

As a highly skilled improv performer and teacher with a deep understanding of the corporate world, Steven brings a unique blend of expertise to help your employees unlock their full potential. His approach is grounded in the principles of improv, which emphasise:

Active Listening: The ability to truly hear and understand others’ perspectives, fostering effective communication and collaboration.

Yes, And: Embracing and building upon ideas, rather than shutting them down, leading to innovation and creative problem-solving.

Adaptability: The ability to think on your feet and adjust to changing circumstances, essential for navigating the unpredictable business world.

Risk-Taking: The courage to step outside comfort zones and experiment with new ideas, driving growth and innovation.

Playful Attitude: Approaching work with a sense of fun and enthusiasm, fostering a positive work environment and boosting productivity.

Through a series of engaging workshops and exercises, Steven can guide your employees in developing these improv skills, empowering them to:

  • Enhance communication and collaboration: Foster effective teamwork, build consensus and resolve conflicts constructively.
  • Spark creativity and innovation: Generate fresh ideas, solve problems creatively, and adapt to change with ease.
  • Build confidence and self-expression: Overcome fear of public speaking, express ideas effectively, and project confidence in meetings and presentations.
  • Strengthen leadership skills: Inspire and motivate teams, navigate difficult conversations, and make effective decisions under pressure.
  • Cultivate a positive and engaging work culture: Foster a fun, supportive, and innovative work environment that enhances productivity and employee satisfaction.

Steven’s proven approach has helped numerous companies transform their corporate culture, leading to:

  • Improved communication and collaboration across departments
  • Enhanced creativity and problem-solving skills among employees
  • Increased confidence and self-expression in presentations and meetings
  • Stronger leadership skills and decision-making abilities
  • A more positive, engaging, and innovative work environment

We invite you to embark on a journey of improv-driven corporate transformation. Let Steven guide your employees in unlocking their hidden potential and propelling your company towards extraordinary success.